Five Ways To Cope With Chronic Pain

Have you ever broken a bone? (If not, lucky you.) If so, think back to the last time you broke a bone. Maybe you fell off the monkey bars at recess. Perhaps you were fouled going up for a lay-up. Maybe, the last time you broke a bone wasn’t all that long ago, not a […] Continue reading

How To Deal With Arthritis Pain

Arthritis pain is one of the leading causes of disability around the world. Because of this, there is an excess of advice on how to deal with it. If you have been newly diagnosed with arthritis, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information. How do you know what will work for you? […] Continue reading

At Home Care for Corona Virus Patients

We are now entering a phase where lockdown restrictions are being relaxed by various states. The eye of the storm has passed but that does not mean the threat is over. We still need to be vigilant especially people over 60 years and patients with underlying co-morbidities, e.g., chronic cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes, […] Continue reading

Stem Cell Can Help with Osteoarthritis and other Arthritis

No one likes living with pain. As we get older, arthritis starts to set into our joints. Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. It affects approximately 350 million people in the world, with 40 million Americans being affected too. Symptoms include pain, the limited function of joints, and joint inflammation, characterized by joint stiffness, […] Continue reading

Is Stem Cell Therapy Right For Me?

Stem cell therapy is at the heart of regenerative medicine. It is now being used in wound care and treating a variety of conditions. Research has proven that stem cells regenerate into the skin, muscle, bone, and even cartilage. And by using amniotic stem cells, health care professionals can provide respite, new life to suffers […] Continue reading